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Get both C&B editions of the important works of early Christian luminaries, Martin Luther and John Chrysostom, On the Jews and Their Lies and Homilies Against the Jews bundled together at a discount!  Save $6 on either format when purchase the Early Christians on the Jews bundle and demonstrate frugality that is sure to make even the most zealous penny pinchers green with envy! 



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Early Christians on the Jews Bundle

Rating is 5.0 out of five stars based on 2 reviews
PriceFrom $38.00
  • Homilies Against the Jews by John Chrysostom
    A new English Translation of Adversus Judaeos (386 AD)
    Edited and Introduced by Thomas Dalton, PhD

    2025, paperback, 180 pages
    ISBN:  978-1963-1431-64

    2025, hardback, 180 pages
    ISBN: 978-1-163143-19-5


    On the Jews and Their Lies by Martin Luther
    Translation of Von Den Juden und Ihren Lugen (1543)

    2025, paperback, 250 pages
    ISBN:  978-1963-1431-71

    2025, hardback, 250 pages
    ISBN: 978--1963-1431-88



Rated 5 out of 5 stars.
Based on 2 reviews
2 reviews

  • Jacob TylerMar 21
    Rated 5 out of 5 stars.
    Will the Real Christians Please Stand Up?

    Anyone who knows anything about the Talmud knows how oxymoronic the term "Judeo-Christian" is. Many, Christians and heathens alike, have doubtless heard the more marginalized luminaries within Christian circles asserting that "Jesus was not a Jew."

    When we see that towering figures within the ranks of the early Christians like Chrysostom and Luther (among many others) were in fact quite "Jew-pilled" and would be anathematized in most modern churches today, we see a compelling contrast to the perception of Christianity as just another vehicle of Zionist propaganda that many regard it as today.

    "On the Jews and Their Lies" has been on offer in paperback for some time. Both as standalone volumes and at times included in more contemporary books from Christian thinkers like Andrew Carrington Hitchcock and Eli James. I own two different editions, and one in particular was rather excellently done. But C&B is the first publisher I'm aware of who really takes a scholarly approach to these, and of even more interest to bibliophiles like myself, the first to print a hardcover edition (that I'm aware of at least.)

    In regard to Chrysostom's "Homilies..." I've never seen it in print anywhere before. So it's quite possible that C&B is the first to publish a high quality, contemporary edition at all in any format. Going the extra mile to make it available in hardcover as well is another feather in their cap.

    The formatting is easy on the eyes, and the content engaging in a host of ways, but as a cherry on top the cover designs look gorgeous and already catching the eyes of my visitors before I even say anything about them any time I share my book collection with friends and family.

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  • Sir Literature🇨🇦Feb 02
    Rated 5 out of 5 stars.
    Early Christian’s on the jews

    Already had “”On the jews and their lies which is great and I needed the hard cover for my collection… the other book is also fantastic… Clemens and Blair isn’t the best publisher of our time… hands down

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