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John Chrysostom (347-407 AD) was perhaps the most important early Father of the Christian Church. He was born and rose to fame in the city of Antioch, in the south of present-day Turkey. His extensive knowledge of the Bible and his oratorical gifts made him a figure of renown already by his late 30s.


As both a city of theological learning and one of the great crossroads of the ancient world, Antioch also became home to a large Jewish population. Thus, there was much interaction between Jews and Christians—and much conflict. As recounted in the New Testament, Jews played a pivotal role in the crucifixion of Jesus, and thus were hated on that count alone. But worse were the many accusations of immorality and criminality laid against them: they are crude materialists, living only for money and sensual pleasure; they cheat in business; they are gluttons and drunkards; they are liars and deceivers; and they “hate mankind.”


Chrysostom took note of all these Jewish failings and, in 386 AD, crafted a series of eight homilies or sermons, each attacking the some aspect of the Jews. These “homilies against the Jews” constitute the earliest extended anti-Jewish tract in history and stands—along with Martin Luther’s On the Jews and Their Lies—as one of the harshest Christian critiques of the Hebrews ever written.


This book will be of profound interest to Christians and non-Christians alike. For the religious, it stands as a reminder of the forceful views that once held sway in the Church. For others, it demonstrates the striking persistence, over centuries, of the many Jewish faults; indeed, this work suggests that nothing less than drastic action will be required to free society from adverse Jewish influences.

Homilies Against the Jews

Rating is 4.0 out of five stars based on 1 review
PriceFrom $22.00
  • Homilies Against the Jews by John Chrysostom
    A new English Translation of Adversus Judaeos (386 AD)
    Edited and Introduced by Thomas Dalton, PhD

    2025, paperback, 180 pages
    ISBN:  978-1963-1431-64

    2025, hardback, 180 pages
    ISBN: 978-1-163143-19-5

  • Introduction by Thomas Dalton __________   i

    Homily I ________  3

    Homily II ________  25                                                      

    Homily III ________ 33

    Homily IV ________ 49

    Homily V ________ 67

    Homily VI ________ 101

    Homily VII ________ 121

    Homily VIII ________ 139

    Appendix _______ 63

    Index of Bible Passages ______ 175

    General Index  ________ 179


Rated 4 out of 5 stars.
Based on 1 review
1 review

  • JeffFeb 27
    Rated 4 out of 5 stars.
    A fine new edition

    These homilies are freely available online, but I bought this edition to have a hard copy in my library and to spite the censors. The text is basically the same the one available online at, but the RSV is used for almost all the Scripture citations. The introduction helps to provide an objective context for the work. There is a useful Index of Bible Passages at the back.

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