Perhaps no book is less known, yet more important, than the Shulchan Aruch.
Most people have heard of the Talmud—that compendium of Jewish laws, and thus the essence of Judaism. The Talmud, however, is vast and largely inscrutable for non-Jews. Fortunately, back in the mid-1500s, a Jewish rabbi named Joseph Karo decided to create a condensed, compact version of the Talmud. He called it ‘the set table’: the Shulchan Aruch.
Most of the Shulchan Aruch deals with inter-Jewish laws, but a fair number of passages discuss non-Jews—the Gentiles, or in less polite terms, the ‘goyim.’ As it happens, the laws of Judaism hold Gentiles in very low regard; they can be cheated, lied to, abused, even killed, if it serves Jewish interests. Jewish supremacy reigns throughout the Talmud and the Shulchan Aruch.
In Weimar Germany, a German scholar of religion and the Hebrew language named Erich Bischoff decided to write a summary and analysis of this most-important of books. In 1929, he published Das Buch vom Schulchan Aruch—the present work. Never before or since has a knowledgeable scholar conducted such an honest and critical study. Here, we see many dark corners of the Jewish religion exposed; here, we see exactly how Jews view the contemptible goyim.
This book is invaluable for all those interested in cutting through the fog and obscurity of the Talmud, and in getting to the heart of Jewish thinking and Jewish attitudes: the Shulchan Aruch.
Produced in collaboration with Castle Hill Publishers
Now available in both paperback and hardcover.
The Book of the Shulchan Aruch
Translation of Das Buch vom Schulchan Aruch (1929/1942) by Erich Bischoff1) 2023, paperback, 152 pages, ISBN: 979-8986-7250-86
2) 2023, hardcover, 152 pages, ISBN: 979-8986-7250-93Foreword by Thomas Dalton
1: On the History of the Shulchan Aruch
A. Old Testament Rabbinical Religious Law
B. The “Codices” before the Shulchan Aruch
C. The Shulchan Aruch from 1565 until 1929
2: The Contents of the Shulchan Aruch
3: Evaluating the Shulchan Aruch
4: Translations (1): Orach Chayim
5: Translations (2): Yoreh De’ah
6: Translations (3): Choshen Mishpat
Appendix A: Talmud passages
Appendix B: Literature on the Shulchan Aruch
An essential read, up there with The Protocols and The International Jew. It provides valuable insights into the fundamentals of the Jewish law which otherwise remains an enigma to most Gentiles.
Some excerpts:
79. "A Jewess may not assist a Gentile woman in childbirth, because in doing so she helps bring a child into the world for idolatry, but one may let a Gentile woman assist a Jewess in childbirth."
Jews promote abortion while themselves having large families.
80. "A Gentile woman may not suckle a Jewish child because she might put poison on her nipples and thus kill the Jewish child."
Jews in the Middle Ages were often accused of poisoning the well, as one of the major "anti-Semitic libels." But according to the Talmud, it's the Gentiles who might poison Jewish children. Thus, poisoning the Gentile well, or directly injecting poison into the Gentile veins, would be justified as a preemptive attack.
93. "Because the Gentiles did not keep the seven commandments, God allowed their money to the Jews."
106 "Even today it is lawful in any place to kill the informer. [...] If a Jew has been proven to hand over a Jew or their money into the hands of a Gentile three times, we would seek counsel and plans to have him removed from the world indirectly."
Jews don't tolerate a licky boom boom dem. Reporting a fellow Jew's crime to the Gentile authorities is not just discouraged but punishable by death. It's important to note, though, that the Talmud makes an exception when the intent is to uphold the reputation of the Jews in Gentile society.
115. "A girl who is three years and one day old, whose father arranged her betrothal, can be married through intercourse."
121. "Kill the best of the heathens."
Explains why modern society promotes reverse eugenics.
And these are just excerpts. There are much more in this slim pamphlet. Full recommendation.