Among the most controversial of Nazi publications was a book for children, published in 1938 under the title Der Giftpilz—or, The Poisonous Mushroom. Here, the Jewish threat to German society was portrayed in the most simplistic and elemental terms. The author, Ernst Hiemer, put together 17 short vignettes or morality stories intended to warn children of the dangers posed by Jews. Jews were depicted as conniving, thieving, treacherous liars who would do anything for personal gain. "Avoid Jews at all costs," was Hiemer’s underlying message.
Though aimed at children aged roughly 8 to 14, Hiemer’s lessons were intended for all readers—older siblings, parents, and grandparents. Following Hitler’s lead, and not without justification, Jews were presented as a profound threat to German society; they had to be shunned and ultimately removed from the nation, if the German people were to flourish.
Long out of circulation, and banned in Germany and elsewhere, this new edition reproduces a work of historical importance—including full color artwork by German cartoonist Philipp Rupprecht (“Fips”). The book was repeatedly cited at the Nuremberg Trials as evidence of "Nazi cruelty," and was used by prosecutors to justify a death sentence for its publisher, Julius Streicher. If only for the sake of history, the reading public should have access to one of the more intriguing and notorious publications of the Third Reich.
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The Poisonous Mushroom By Ernst Hiemer, cartoons by Fips
Translation of Der Giftpilz (1938)2020, paperback, full color, 72 pages.
ISBN: 978-1734-8042-25Chapter 1: The poisonous mushroom
Chapter 2: How to identify a Jew
Chapter 3: How the Jews came to us
Chapter 4: What is the Talmud?
Chapter 5: Why the Jews let themselves be baptized
Chapter 6: How a German peasant was driven from house and farm
Chapter 7: How Jewish traders cheat
Chapter 8: The experience of Hans and Else with a strange man
Chapter 9: Inge’s visit to a Jewish doctor
Chapter 10: How the Jew treats his domestic help
Chapter 11: How two women were tricked by Jewish lawyers
Chapter 12: How Jews torment animals
Chapter 13: What Jesus said about the Jews
Chapter 14: Money is the god of the Jews
Chapter 15: How Mr. Hartmann became a National Socialist
Chapter 16: Are there decent Jews?
Chapter 17: No salvation without solving the Jewish Question
The chapters are not full stories. They would have been more effective if written as proper stories. For instance, the chapter about the farmer starts off with the farmer being mad at the Jew but no explanation why. If someone bought this to explain the problem with Jews to children, they would need to fill in the blanks about usury and high interest rates and farmers losing their land to the banks. Some chapters are more effective propaganda than others.
But it's a good buy for people who like to collect historic documents and are interested in that era. The art work is nice.
Received the book on time and as described. This book contributes to the historical understanding of the first half of the 20th century, and how it migh apply to current society. It also shows how public schools can influence students, as they do so today in many different ways.